We invite all Breast Cancer Survivors and Supporters to Join the Waves of Hope Dragonboat Team
The Waves of Hope team members are from rural communities big and small located in Westman and Parkland Regions.
Members are from all walks of life and
come in all shapes, sizes, and fitness levels.
You are interested in having fun, getting fit, and a joining a fantastic group of women who celebrate life after breast cancer.
You need to do "something new and special " for yourself.
You realize that no previous paddling experience is required but are willing to try.
You have completed treatments and are ready for active participation.
Check Us Out: Become familiar with the Waves of Hope website and learn about dragonboating.
Contact Us: Share your information below so a team member can be in touch with you.
Come Paddle: Having doubts? Join us on a paddling night and give it a try.
When and where does the team practice?April-Mid May (6:00-8:00) team participates in Dryland Training at the Brandon University Health and Wellness Center. May-early Sept In the Boat paddling (6:00-8:00) at Minnedosa Lake.
What are the costs?The annual membership is $50. With this fee, you enjoy all the training and paddling activities, received the following equipment: paddle, life jacket (PFD) and team attire including T-shirts and jackets. You are responsible for black short/active wear pants, Capri, skorts to wear for practise and when racing at Dragon Boat Festivals. Some members use gloves with a good grip to protect hands when paddling. Recommended shoes are water shoes, sandals, beach shoes. Carpooling is encouraged to cut transportation costs to practises and events. If attending a Dragon Boat Festival. Members are responsible for transportation, accommodation, and meals. To keep cost reasonable, carpooling and sharing room costs are organized
What is a Dragon Boat Festival?A festival is a competition where our team races against other Dragon Boat teams. Each festival has 1 race just for the Breast Cancer Survivors. This is our chance to put all our practise to the test and celebrate our accomplishments. 22 Hearts One Goal
How many paddlers are in the boat?22 women are in the boat as it leaves the dock: 20 are paddlers plus 1 drummer and 1 steers person. The drummer sits at the front of the boat and drums to keep the team in time and motivated. The steers person controls the direction of the boat and is the leader when leaving and coming back to the dock.
Does the Team do more than Paddle?Throughout the year, the team: - participates in fund raisers such as Fashion Show, Begonia Sales, Run for the Cure. - promotes breast cancer awareness such as presentation, setting up displays, answering questions and making referrals. - organizes social events such as Family/Friends paddle night where others enjoy a night of paddling with team members, Christmas Party, and Team Retreats. - donates funds to promote breast cancer health and treatment
There's a spot in the Boat and a Paddle waiting for YOU! Fill out the spaces below. A Wave of Hope team member will be in touch immediately

Our Members Say:
" Paddling gave me a new lease on life after my cancer diagnosis and treatment."
"I have found courage to go outside my comfort zone."
"Paddling is a life changing experience."
"You are not alone. We are stronger together."